Monday, February 2, 2009

Domestic Details

I have really enjoyed having the time to set up our apartment, decorate, organize, and cook. I have enjoyed baking coffee cakes, breakfast casseroles, and cookies. The only problem with this is that there are only 2 of us and so I eat a lot of my productions. I made some snickerdoodles the other day. They turned out really good, perhaps a little too good. Not even I know how many of those cookies I consumed in a 2 day period. Even if I did, I would never tell. Yoga class, here I come.

I do enjoy setting the table nicely, being creative in dish and tablecloth selection, and presenting the food in an aesthetically pleasing way. I guess that goes back to when I was a kid. I would make a meal for my family and decorate the plate with lettuce and artistic designs done in Cheese Whiz. Right now, while I have the time, it is fun to cook and be creative.

But just when I'm pretty proud of myself and thinking I'm the next Martha Stewart, I'm quickly brought back to reality: forgetting to clean out the lint trap and thus having enough lint to make a new sweater out of, ruining a batch of pancakes because I put double the milk in, cutting my thumb with a serrated knife (I'm fine, Mom-I still can play piano), dropping half a batch of pb cookies onto the open oven door, and my latest....leaving a handful of screws, nuts, bolts, and washers (from the shed of course)in a fleece pocket that I put through the washer and dryer. Oops.

Tim is always quite helpful around the house. He has very patiently put together lots of furniture and hung stuff for me. He's also a great cook and really enjoys it. There are some differences, though. When I cook, we have a well balanced meal with a main dish, a salad, maybe some fruit. When Tim cooks, we have "A Giganto Burger." Well, actually I have the burger "normale," as he says, and he has the "giganto burger." Unfortunately, they don't make "giganto" buns. When we were first writing each other he told me he was pretty good at making burgers. I asked him his secret and he replied, "love." Well, maybe that's truly it because that was a really amazing burger!

So, come on over to Turkey and come to the Redden Bed and Breakfast. We will happily make you burgers filled with love, coffee cake, snickerdoodles, and whatever else your heart desires. If you want to do your laundry, though, you might be better off doing it yourself:)


  1. I'm enjoying your blog...all of your cooking sounds so good!! If it makes you feel better, I put Jeff's cell phone through the washing machine. Miss you! -Rebecca

  2. Hi Kate. I have to tell you that I also recently put double the milk in a pancake recipe. I was halving the recipe to make a smaller batch and got careless with the milk. They actually turned out okay, though. Have you ever had Swedish pancakes? They are very thin, so I told myself I was really trying to make Swedish pancakes on purpose. I hope to stay at the Redden B&B sometime!
