Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stories from a Music Teacher

Yesterday, Tim and I were walking back to our car at the mall when we heard a quite familiar song...Country Roads by Mr. John Denver. This further confirmed my theory that every country in the world has done some remix of this song. They love it! I heard it in Austria all the time and now I'm hearing it here. I don't know what the Africans would do to the song, but I know the Europeans (we're close enough) love to do a techno remix of the song. I'm not really sure John Denver would approve of the words "Are you ready to party???" in the middle of his song. They really love to crank it up after that. I don't know what it is about that song that everyone connects with, especially because I'm sure they have no idea where West Virginia really is, but nothing starts a dance party off better:)

The day we went to the doctor's, we stopped by a Turkish-type of Barnes and Noble. While we waited for the blood test results, we wandered through aisles of cds. My favorite cd was "The Best Music to Belly Dance to Ever!" Fingers crossed for Valentine's Day:) Just kidding. While they had a lot of traditional Turkish music and Turkish pop music, they did have a whole section of what they called "Foreigner Music." This would be current music you'd find in any music store in the States. I was also surprised to see they had a special section devoted to "High School Musical 3." It's everywhere!

The night we got back to Turkey from Munich we arrived in our apartment to a Turkish jam session in the apartment above us. We're talking old Turkish folk songs, drums, tambourines, and the sos. The sos is kid of similar to a guitar, but has a rounded bottom and less strings (I think). The concert went on into the night, with someone's mournful voice alternating between singing and crying. Instead of taking a broom and pounding on the ceiling, we just enjoyed our Turkish culture lesson.

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